Conference on Mathematical Modeling and Control of Communicable Diseases

The Conference on Mathematical Modeling and Control of Communicable Diseases will be held from Monday through Thursday, January 11-14, 2016 at Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
  • Quando 11/01/2016 to 14/01/2016 (America/Sao_Paulo / UTC-200)
  • Onde Rio de Janeiro
  • Nome do contato
  • Telefone do contato +55 21 3799 5917
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  • Adicionar evento ao calendário iCal

The objective of the organizers is to bring together researchers and students working on the modeling of human transmissible diseases, considered in the most extensive sense. Interested academics from a large spectrum of applied mathematics are expected, with interest ranging from mathematical epidemiology to statistics, from dynamical systems to control theory, at the borders of biology (including entomology and immunology), ecology, or even economy or climatology. The scope of the event is to provide comprehensive vision of the questions and methods raised by the mathematical modeling of transmissible diseases, from theory to application and back: model analysis, experimental data analysis, qualitative behaviors, control strategies, game theory are among the different approaches that are most welcome. One may forecast a substantial interest for the modeling of endemic tropical diseases (such as dengue fever, yellow fever, chikungunya, malaria, leishmaniasis...) and of major global epidemics (e.g. influenza, Ebola fever, HIV...), but the workshop is open to studies on all types of transmissible human pathologies.

The topics include, but are not limited to, the following:

1. Spatial and seasonal aspects of epidemics
2. Control methods
3. Statistical modeling and parameter estimation methods
4. Qualitative behaviors and general tools from dynamical system theory
5. Evolutionary game theory, phylogenetics
6. Modeling in epidemiology and neighboring fields: sociology, immunology, environment and ecology, climatology, economy, public health.

The Conference will feature contributed papers for oral or poster sessions, including invited and tutorial. Apart from providing a forum for the presentation of new results, the workshop aims at offering a strong tutorial content. It will host ten plenary talks, delivered by some of the best specialists worldly, and will be preceded by three mini-courses devoted to more focused topics. Undergraduate students, as well as PhD students, from Brazil or abroad, are strongly encouraged to participate and will receive attendance certificate. Free entrances to the social dinner will be awarded to the authors of the Best Student Poster and to the Best Student Paper.